Clt art 243 reviews

) "of art, technical," from Greek tekhnikos "pertaining to art," from tekhnē "art, skill, craft in work" (see techno-). 1817, at first especially in criticism of art and music, from French technique "formal practical details in artistic expression" (18c. Word-forming element meaning "art, craft, skill," later "technical, technology," from Latinized form of Greek tekhno-, combining form of tekhnē "art, skill, craft in work. Method, system, an art, a system or method of making or doing," from PIE teks-na- "craft" (of weaving or fabricating), from suffixed form of root teks- "to weave," also "to fabricate.

1610s, "a discourse or treatise on an art or the arts," from Greek tekhnologia "systematic treatment of an art, craft, or technique," originally referring to grammar, from tekhno-, combining form of tekhnē "art, skill, craft in work. Japanese art of self-defense, 1936, literally "way of adapting the spirit," from Japanese ai "together" (from au "to harmonize") ki "spirit" do "way, art," from Chinese tao "way. 243 - Para os empregados de estações do interior, cujo serviço for de natureza intermitente ou de pouca intensidade, não se aplicam os preceitos gerais sobre duração do trabalho. "an introduction to an art or science," 1798, from Greek propaideuein "to teach beforehand," from pro "before" (see pro-) paideuein "to teach," from pais (genitive paidos) "child" (see pedo-).

The meaning "study of mechanical and industrial arts" (Century Dictionary, 1895, gives as example "spinning, metal-working, or brewing") is recorded by 1859. Decorative and architectural style popular from 1925-1940, attested from 1966, from shortening of French art décoratif, literally "decorative art" (see decorative). Substantiv, Neutrum, oder Substantiv, maskulin, oder Substantiv, feminin kritische Besprechung eines künstlerischen Produkts o. 1610s, "technical," from Latin technicus, from Greek tekhnikos "of or pertaining to art, made by art," from tekhnē "art, skill, craft" (see techno-).


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